Wednesday, July 24, 2013


My life has been pretty crazy since that last post! For example, I turned 16! Woohoo! My sister once told me that dating is pretty much no different that hanging out with your friends. Nope! I love it. Since my birthday on May 18th I have gone on 6 dates. My Dad calls me the "dating machine" haha he says that nobody else in our family has gone on so many dates! haha

So, I have 2 brothers on missions, and they are such examples to me!! It amazes me how they were willing to just give their lives to the Lord for 2 years! I love them both so much, they are amazing.

This is Josh in El Salvador. So pretty there!

And Joseph in Tremonton, Utah. So close! haha I love Utah!

Recently, a little over two weeks ago, I got my braces off!! It feels so good! I have been loving it. And yes, my teeth do feel slimy! I had my braces on for 2 years and 2 months. I got them on in May of 2011. Such a relief to get them off!! Here is a before and after picture.
Such a relief to have them off!

Right now in my life, I've been focusing on dancing. Ballroom dancing to be specific. I love it! Last year I went to a BYU Ballroom Dance camp and was planning on going this year, but something came up and, unfortunately, I can't go anymore. But, in May, I tried out for a ballroom dance team called Class Act Ballroom. I made it! I am really excited to be on this team. Last year they did a waltz that won nationals, so, this will be really good for me. My big, long term goal is to be on the Ballroom Dance team at BYU, so I have a long way to go!

Jesse went off to college in June and I am sorely missing her! She is loving it there, though, so its ok. With Josh, Joseph, and Jesse all gone, I am left here with Peter and Libby to be the oldest child! It really is harder than I expected, but luckily I have three amazing examples that went before me! I am holding down the fort over here:) 

I am headed off to a youth conference tomorrow call BYS. Boise Youth Spectacular. It's kind of like EFY, but shorter and local. I am super excited! I will be rooming with one of my good friends Makenzie on the BSU campus. I better go start packing!:)

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