Monday, November 26, 2012

English Paper

So I am writing this paper for my English class about hiking up to Ruffneck Peak. You can read about the whole experince on my mom's blog but anyways, for this paper, I am going to present it to my class. This paper is a very descriptive paper, it paints the picture for the listener/reader to see in their own mind. But, in order for it to have full effect, I wanted to have a visual. So here are some pictures of what I am describing in my paper.

And here is the paper:

Ruffneck Peak
                “Is every one ready? Alright. Let’s go,” Dad commands. I love the sound of our footsteps as we walk. Crunch crunch; our feet crumble the dead pine needles on the ground. Sweet pine fills my nostrils as the sun beats down on my face. A slight breeze balances the radiating heat from the sun. Our breathing grows heavier as the trail gets steeper, although I feel light weight, like a feather. This is much easier than yesterday’s hike without our packs weighing down our shoulders.
A meadow filled with green grass and wild flowers comes into view. Little patches of water form mini lakes in the tall grass. Trees line the outsides of the meadow, standing guard; protecting the serenity of this place. The mountain peak that is our goal appears; patches of pure white snow glisten at the very top.
                The mountain disappears again as the trees guarding the meadow allow us to pass under. A snap of a twig alerts my ears. I turn just in time to see a deer bound away, frightened by our footsteps. A squirrel scurries up a tree, its mouth full of nuts.
                The ground becomes rocky, the crunch more persistent beneath my feet. Boulders line the trail and the trees and plants vanish; rocks dominate the ground. I can see far distant mountains behind me; purple along the horizon. The tops of the trees are no match for me at this elevation. I can see right over them.
                We continue onward in the rocky terrain. Up ahead is a monster. A tree deformed and black; no leaves nor pine needles grow on it, completely dead. It is huge! Almost 40 feet tall. Streaks of brown run along the trunk and branches. We call it the Big Scary Tree. As we pass it, it looms over us; impending and powerful.
                Once past the dead tree we come under the sweet shade of the live trees once again. We sit and revel in the coolness before continuing onward. As I look out at the view again, I can see little blue circles surrounded by trees; the distant mountains ever prominent.
                As we approach the awful switch backs I look up at our destination: the peak. My legs weigh me down; I struggle for breath. The feeling of lightness has long since fled from me. The switch backs are the steepest part of the hike, but also the most rewarding. The beautiful view is ever present as we climb higher and higher, the valley expanding below us.
                At the last stretch, the last couple of switchbacks, my siblings and I decide to climb straight up the mountain. We are too anxious to get to the top. We practically sprint up the side; sweat running down our necks. We arrive triumphantly at the top and wait for our parents to join us. I look out at the valley before my eyes. I am at the top of the world. Below me, blue splotches occasionally interrupt a sea of green. Dad points out the lake where we stayed overnight. The peaks in the distance are too many to count. I can see forever.
                 Suddenly a thump of cold, surprising wetness runs down the back of my neck. I turn and my brother is standing in a white war zone. It’s on.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Wow, I really need to get on it and start posting more! I have just been so busy! It seems like April showers are coming a little early this year! We have had a TON of rain here, just yesterday my little sister Libby counted 220 worms in our drive way! Crazy huh? But I'm starting to see little snippets of green here and there, which is really good because I absolutely love green! Spring is definitely my favorite season. I just love it! I love all of the colors and just the feeling of new. New life, new growth, new weather, and plus, my birthday is in spring! I will actually be turning 15 in about two months. I'm very excited, just one year closer to lucky 16!

I just recently was in a choir concert in which my choir, an all girls choir called Anima Mea, sang some pretty crazy songs. I had to try out to get in Anima Mea, so it is a select group of girls and we can sing some pretty hard songs, and we did. The first song we sang was called "Some Kind of Music." This song was just a really pretty, soothing kind of song. It talks about that some kind of music that helps us when our pathway get dark and our life gets hard. That kind of music that carries us along when times get hard. Just kind of a tribute to that music. It was a really fun, melodious piece. The next song that we sang was a whole different mood. haha It was called "Johnny Said 'No!'" This was a very fun song to sing. It was accapella and about a girl who fancied a young boy named Johnny. She wants to marry him but, "Johnny Said 'No!'" That's about all I can say about it. You really can't get it until you hear it. The final song that we did was a gorgeous song called "Psalm 23." It is based on the chapter Psalms 23 in the Bible. Absolutely amazing song. I almost cry every time we sing it. We just have so much emotion that goes into the song that it, I don't know, its just crazy. It is truly an amazing song, I get chills just thinking about it! But anyways, the choir concert was really amazing.

This summer my friend Nathan L. and I are going down to BYU to attend a dance camp. Lets just say I'm really excited! It is a ballroom dance camp. I LOVE ballroom dance, especially country swing, it is one my absolute favorites. My friend Caleb A. knows how to swing dance really good and so we do it at all the stake dances and such. We are actually going to do a side act for the final show of the FX Show Choir. I am really excited for that. We do all kinds of cool moves and flips and stuff like that. Did I mention that I love to dance? haha:)