Wow, that was a long time ago! Sorry that I haven't posted in so long! Anyways, I am so glad that spring is here. It is my favorite season. Everything is just so alive! Today we were out working on shoveling poo! haha I know it sounds gross, but it was hard work.
I broke my big toe on my left foot the other day. It hurt the first two days, but now I can walk pretty well. The story is pretty embarrassing. I was in P.E and we were playing around with hool-lo-hoops (if that's how you spell it). I dropped mine and dove for it. Well, I landed wrong and I could barely walk. Luckily my mom was substitute teaching that day at our school. I went to her and she put PanAway, Peppermint, and Wintergreen on it. Now I am not in pain!
I'm going babysitting today for our neighbors, Greg and Rachelle H. I love babysitting for them, it is always a blast! Yesterday I babysat for them and we dyed Easter eggs. It was a ton of fun. They kept telling my about how the Easter Bunny is going to come tomorrow. It was especially cute because they have a 2 year old boy named Lincoln and he is just adorable. Anyways, he wanted me to read them a story before they dyed the eggs. So he gave me this book about the Easter Bunny that was fairly long. He sat there, through the whole thing, every now and then pointing out something about the pictures, it was so cute. I just love those kids.
I am excited for stake conference tomorrow. I always love hearing our stake presidency speak, they are just so powerful. I got to go to the temple on Wednesday with my ward. People always say that they feel a wonderful spirit in the temple. Before this trip I never really felt that, but this trip was different. I really felt it, and I think it was because I went there ready to feel it. The other times I just kind of went expecting to, but I think that we need to be open to the spirit to have it. I was ready to receive revelation, and I got it. I also think that this was a result of the scripture mastery that I have been memorizing. It has really helped my draw closer to God. I am grateful that we have the scriptures to read.