"When life’s problems seem
overwhelming, look around
and see what other people
are coping with. You may
consider yourself fortunate."
"Do not let what you can't do
interfere with what you can
do." - John Wooden
"The indispensable first step
to getting the things you
want out of life is this:
decide what you want."
- Ben Stein
"Never give up, never,
never give up."
- Winston Churchill
"Many of life’s failures
are people who did not
realize how close they
were to success when
they gave up."
- Thomas
"The heights men reached
and kept, were not attained
by sudden flight, but they,
while there companions slept,
were toiling upward in the night."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"One important key to success is
self-confidence. An important key
to self-confidence is preparation."
- Arthur Ashe
"What lies behind us, and what lies
before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The belief in a thing makes it happen."
- Frank Lloyd Wright
"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you
run into a wall, don't turn around and
give up. Figure out how to climb it,
go through it, or work around it."
- Michael Jordan
"Come to the edge, he said. They said:
We are afraid. Come to the edge, he
said. They came. He pushed them,
and they flew..."
- Guillaume Apollinaire
"A journey of a thousand miles must
begin with a single step."
- Chinese Proverb