Fair was this week and I showed my lamb.
I named her Bonny and Peter also had a lamb, he named it George, it was obviously a boy.
I've done this for three years and this is Peter's first year so I had to help him a lot. These are pictures of us showing Market. Market is where the judge places your lamb and the Fair Board puts it on a list and gives it to the buyers. The higher you are on the list the more money you get from your lamb. And Peter got first in his class and 27th out of about 150 lambs. And I got third in my class. So Peter was in the ring when they chose the Grand Champion.
The next day we did showmanship.
Showmanship is where the judge judges you and your lamb. you have to set it up right, keep your eye on the judge at all times, wipe off your lamb after he touches it and answer all the questions he asks you. My first year I got Reserved Grand Champion in the novice portion and I also got to go to round robin and you have to learn how to do all the animals in a couple of days. and then show them. And in my second year I didn't even get to show my lamb because it got really sick and they wouldn't let me in. So this year I thought I was going to get Grand Champion, I mean I was positive. Oh how I was wrong. I got dead last in my class. I was doing everything they had taught me to do and the only flaw was that I wasn't bracing enough. Oh well there's always next year.
On Saturday I get to sell it, and showmaniship doesn't have anything to do with selling, so that's lucky.